DerekTall's avatar


Mystery Tentacle
433 Watchers137 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (54)
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (2)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

I'm kind of a lowbrow weirdo, love the macabre and strange, vintage and rusty, curves and tattoos. I'm obsessed with the shape of women and love to create art based on their beauty.

I still consider myself an amateur but I've had gallery showings and sold a ton of prints. I do commissions on occasion when I'm excited by the subject and am inspired.

Favourite Visual Artist
Gil Elvgren
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Tom Waits
Favourite Games
Other Interests
Pinups & Horror


0 min read
A charcoal class on figure study and now an "A la Prima" oils class, they are having a profound effect on my art. Something broke loose in me so look out! Its gonna be a fun ride!
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So I've started down a path to try to make more of my art. I used to sell my prints thru my store (RIP) now I'm trying to figure out the best way to do that online. I love browsing DA, and the camaraderie here is great, but not so much for selling art. So I've got under my belt, any recommendations on setting up a site? Something free to do, easy to maintain and change, shopping cart included? The last time I set up a site I spent an obnoxious amount of cash and was completely frustrated, I hope I can learn from some of my mistakes. I've got an etsy planned, but that site doesn't seem to fit my style too well; Its quite...
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Well, after 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars, my business is dead. It brought me to pinup, burlesque and lowbrow and reintroduced me to my art. I succeeded in every way except making money. I expect to be full of all kinds of angsty emotions over the next couple of months and I will channel it into my art. Keep your eyes open, it should get interesting! (and weird).PS I honestly have no Effin clue what is next for me, I'll open some doors and see what comes thru, maybe my art will be a part of it.....
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Profile Comments 86

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thormanoftunder's avatar
AnonymousModel's avatar
I love your work!!
DerekTall's avatar
rickster155's avatar
thank you for the fave
mariana-a's avatar
You have a very nice and unique vintage style and I love your gallery :) it's funny but macabre at the same time
ArachnoWolf's avatar
chricko's avatar
Cool gallery.