Influence Mapderangedhyena on DeviantArt

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Influence Map



Everyone knows this meme, and a lot have done it. I did this awhile back and forgot to post, honestly. So, posted.

I colored outside the lines.

Keep in mind these are main/major movie/show/book influences, which is what I decided to do this about. Not the smaller ones, not the music ones (exception being Dismantled, which I included because it has influenced me so much), and not specific artists. Everything wouldn't fit, yo.

Edit to add: I REALIZED I LEFT OUT FERNGULLY ACCIDENTALLY. It was in one of the many layers of the .psd and got lost. I may eventually fix this by coloring outside the lines more but I can't let this go without mention -- Ferngully had a huge impact on me too XD

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660x965px 427.7 KB
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Braendyn's avatar
similarities abound, I'll now be watching :)