German sheperdDennyHappy on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

DennyHappy's avatar

German sheperd



Adoptables March Madness: Which team will win?Human, Anthro, or Animal: only one team can prevail. Pick a team and take part to earn a badge for your Profile, and have a chance for your art to be featured if your team wins!,How to ParticipateChoose a team: The team with the most deviants at the end wins, so pick your team carefully!Create: Design an adoptable to fit your team.Submit: Publish your adoptable as a deviation with the tag for the team it depicts (#TeamHuman, #TeamAnthro, or #TeamAnimal) by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on March 19th to get a matching badge for your Profile! If you’re a seller, be sure to sell your adoptable creation as an Exclusive when you’re done.,Join Team Human | Join Team Anthro | Join Team AnimalYou can take part multiple times to earn all three Profile badges, but whichever team you submit a deviation for first will be the one you join!Team Tournament ChampionsThe team with the most deviants on it at the end of March 19th will be the champions! DeviantArt team members and Community Volunteers will then select Exclusives from the winning team’s tag to feature in a journal. In addition, a week’s worth of Daily Challenges will be centered around the winning team’s theme.Looking for inspiration?If you’re looking for a starting point, get inspired by one of these example deviations:Alchemist Lady by @RedPandaPawss Feline Fairy by @xXBunnyberryXx Kenos Voidwalker by @VeilAI ,Show your spirit and help lead your team to victory!
And I also wanted to draw a German Shepherd dog ^^
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759x1053px 67.63 KB
© 2024 - 2025 DennyHappy
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