Defenders of InnocenceDennisKonstantin on DeviantArt

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October 21, 2018
Defenders of Innocence by DennisKonstantin
Featured by TokyoMoonlight
Suggested by sincebecomeswhy
DennisKonstantin's avatar

Defenders of Innocence



acrylics on canvas | 50cm x 70cm | 2014 - 2018


Over four years in the making I am very pleased to call this piece done...finally.

Some paintings are just different than others, while most have a constant flow of ease and tension, there are always a few which have a bad start and you just can't find your way through them. You decide to put them away for a while.

"Defenders of Innocence" was one of those 'tough ones'. I guess I would never have finished it, if I wouldn't be in the painting game for the challenge. There were already hours of work in it and I really wanted to see how this piece would look at the end. So the last weeks I have spend putting the puzzle pieces together.

Although it is an mostly abstract painting there is also a little story behind it. I liked the idea of nature fighting back at the human species...with interdimensional intelligence and laser technology. Sounds crazy?...well that's another thing I am in the painting game for ;-)

Save travells into the weekend everyone <3


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851x1200px 767.75 KB
© 2018 - 2025 DennisKonstantin
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