On the journey to a new form of expression, the so called “Quantum Realism”, Dennis Konstantin Bax unifies the search for the inner structure of things with the phantasmagorias of the phantastic and the vivid color spectrum of today’s visionary art. Taking building blocks out of Cubism, Pointilism and Futurism, the artist is not interested in the mere copy of things, rather more he wants to show us the non-static nature of our reality.
His work is dominated by the expression of change, the metamorphosis of 3-dimensional structures into their next state of existence.
The greatest inspiration for the artist comes from the latest insights of quantum mechanics and eastern philosophy which both realize the world as vibrating field of form.
Dennis Konstantin transfers this knowledge into painting by trying to “weave” objects together by layering lines of color.
Although he has a very scientific approach to painting it is also important for the artist to tell stories with this kind of expression. So the figures in his work are on a constant journey to personal freedom and a reality behind our well-worn thought structures.
Dennis Konstantin Bax was born 1979 in Wiesbaden/Germany and studied Interior Architecture before he settled as a full time artist in Hamburg in 2006.
Il y a des galeries comme celle ci, qui sont épuisantes. Il est impossible de passer à côté d'une toile qui n'attire pas votre attention. Aucune toile vous laisse indifférent. Toutes ces merveilles sont un bonheur pour les yeux d'un artiste même pas doué. Merci Maître pour cette leçon mémorable.
You've got a very interesting style.