Loved to draw as a little boy and then life took over so I stopped. Decided to start painting almost 400 years later. Not sure what inspired me but here I am and really starting to enjoy meditating in colors. I've taken a few formal courses and classes and most of my pieces are traditional oils. The more I paint the more I realize how little I know and that is the beauty that this could become a lifelong hobby/ obsession.
To improve I'm geared toward learning from professional artists in my area and lately would like to think I'm getting 'looser' in an impressionist style. I usually have enough energy to work on a piece for 3 hours .....that's it. Note: You that must be satisfied with your work first and foremost. Obviously the support and encouragement of others becomes a great source of inspiration too.
Areas to target for improvement - you tell me. I often post material that has not been completed and probably wont be for some time as my desire to start a new work moves me down another creative endeavor. So if you see one of my posts with 'in progress' it means that I'm almost there in my brain. Others that may not look complete are good enough for me to say "thats enough of that" composition.
I'm truly inspired by many other artists out there whether because of the true beauty of something you produce, the creativity shown, or the dialogue which supports your work and /or all of the above. I do commissions but my preerfence to to also compose the piece. Hopefully someday, I will be able to produce an income which supports my caffeine addiction. That's the only really bad joke I will tell you hopefully.
I'm hopeful that the majority of all my future work will be 'plein air' style but in the meantime I will settle for a combination of that and 'original' photo for composition to get it over the line. If you other deviants ever have a question about anything I have shown, don't ever hesitate to ask. I have enjoyed your support and comments thus far even when they are not positive. Thanks for reading. D
I can also be found on Instagram - dennisdoherty8226
Good morning Dennis, Happy Late Birthday!, Big Cuddles!🎂😊.
Good morning Dennis, Happy Very Late Birthday!, Big Hugs!🎂😊.
Thanks for the watch
Thanks for the watch!
My Pleasure
Thanks for the watch!
You're most welcome