Professional illustrator
I have done interior art and cover illustrations for RPG books published by Evil Hat Productions (Cover and interior art for "Uranium Chef", interior spreads for "Do: Fate of the Flying Temple"), Vigilance Press (cover and interior art as lead artist for the "Tianxia" series, character illustrations for various "Mutants & Masterminds" supplements), Fainting Goat Games (character illustrations for ICONS supplements), Frameworks Games (character illustrations for "Shiyan") and Living Room Games (character illustrations and interior art for "Earthdawn"). I also occasionally create illustrations for private individuals.
A long time ago I did a webcomic called "Eversummer Eve", and hope to revive it again eventually in a heavily revised version, and probably under a different name. (Note: I've lost ownership of the domain name for that comic, and it has since been picked up by people who are not me. That version of the comic is dead, and will not be updating. Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your support.)
can you do commissions?
Your work is wonderful. Do you accept commissions?