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DemiWolfe on DeviantArt
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Sketch is a mutation that affects the distribution of genes upon the base coat.
Sketch does not affect eyes, mane, tail, or hooves, only the coat.
Breeding Mutation: May cause speckled distribution of markings instead of a hatched appearance.
It causes the edges of base coat markings to have a sketchy, almost scratched, stripy, hatched appearance.
Stripes are indistinct, and random, never uniform zebra/tiger like.
Stripes may be crosshatched as well as hatched (striping in multiple directions)
Stripes may end abruptly, or fade into the other colors around it.
Sketch does not affect eyes, mane, tail, or hooves, only the coat.
Sketch does not have to affect all base coat markings, but must appear somewhere if present.
(For example, it may affect counter shading on a solid chestnut base, when no other color affecting genes are present)
White goes over sketch.
Shown above is sketch affecting sooty and pangare
It may affect other natural genes, such as agouti, as well as mutations, such as peacock or elemental sooty.
May affect the color distribution of geode, but NOT the white pattern.
Breeding Mutation: May cause speckled distribution of markings instead of a hatched appearance.
Image size
4204x3605px 1.76 MB
© 2018 - 2025 DemiWolfe
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Oooh, pretty!!