Mordecai x Margaret (Regular Show WG) by Zackarias7, literature
Mordecai x Margaret (Regular Show WG)
During a normal day, Margaret was doing her job at the coffee shop trying to ignore how tight her work clothes felt against her body. Over the last month or so, the robin has been steadily gaining weight possibly gaining 25 pounds. The weight has affected her abdomen giving her a potbelly, made her curves go up almost 2 sizes, her limbs a little softer and her face a bit rounder. She worried about people judging her, but Eileen helped to calm down those fears reminding Margaret how much people like her for being a great person. To her surprise, Mordecai didn’t say anything about her weight gain and instead treated her like he always did: very kind and sweetly. But then a short while, Margaret was forced to bend over and caused two things to happen: first this presented her plump ass to Mordecai which caused his jaw to drop in a good way. Second it caused a tear to form on Margaret’s too small panties that she instantly became aware of. She panicked and clocked out early and went home
A swelling rose (Amy Rose WG story) by Fatloveruraraka, literature
A swelling rose (Amy Rose WG story)
This contains weight gain borderline hyper!
(my first post uwu)
It had been a long day running around chasing after sonic that Amy was all but tired out, little did she know that her "rest" was going to be filled with more corpulence than she imagined would come from the fatty things in her cupboards
She came home with her single chaos emerald in tow, feeling defeated as usual, try as she might to catch sonic, it proved fruitless yet again, she places the emerald down on the counter top and grabs her snacks, putting her snacks down and getting changed into a comfy pair of shorts, a t shirt and hoodie. Gently laying down and cracking open her crisps she begins to eat, and eat, and eat, she takes quick dispatch of all her snacks with incredible efficiency, binge eating had been a weakness of hers as the food temporarily fills her sonic shaped hole in her heart, little did she know that wouldn't be the only replacement coming.
"hahhhhh, finally, all full in my tummy, though ill get fat if I keep carry on" she says to herself as she rubs her full belly
"say, maybe if I got so fat I couldn't move I could force sonic to come to me, in the terrible... Terrible 'danger' of having no food" she chuckles, little did she know the chaos emerald, the miracle gem that turns thoughts into power, was listening, and took Amy's words as her thoughts, so shall turn it into power
Amy then tiredly rolls over for a nap, not knowing her coming transformation.
As she sleeps, the chaos emerald begins to float, and casts a beam into her, the chaos energy ready to turn her thought into power.
Her body begins... Growing, not like a child to an adult, but a skinny gym girl into a flabby food addict.
As she sleeps, slowly, steadily, her belly slowly, begins to swell with excess weight, her belly, starting small, like a small little round spot of chub on the average non-athletic individual, would only be humble beginnings for this pink hog (nevermind the hedge anymore) her belly slowly grows out, to a respectably pudgy potbelly, light rolls beginning to form which would only be visible when sat down, soon begin to turn prominently folded stacked folds of pure soft flab, her belly swelling and overpowering any coverage her t shirt and hoodie may have, turning into a less round and more sandbag like gravity to it, beginning to sit in her lap as it continues to grow, yet that's not the only place it begins, her thighs, and calves, both begin to swell too, what start as thin, slender little legs built for chasing sonic, have begun to blossom into much much more, starting to first get slightly thicker, looking more like the motherly curves vanilla has, before blowing them out of the water, her thighs becoming thick tree trunk's width worth of enormous thigh fat, thick and bumpy with cellulite, her stretch marks decorating the underside with many tiger stripes as she'd dream sonic would call them we're sure.
Her butt, a once firm perky round pair of cheeks, swells into a pornstar worthy pair of sex domes, and then even further to rivalling Brazilian butt lift advertisement models, soon proceeding past to become two bean bag chair sized domes of enormous flab, becoming less circular and more of a pair of bumpy ovals, leaving an enormous roundish butt print in the sofa.
Her breasts, perky as they were, have swollen, greatly and incredibly, starting to just rival the sultry seductive rouge in size, and then shooting way past to make her flat in comparison, the fat cells multiplying, pushing her breasts from her modest self, slowly growing outwards, piling on flesh and fat, growing, inching further and further across her also growing belly, slowly sagging more to the sides as they become more fat laden and less perky, turning into almost long, cylindrical fatty mass of motherly breast.
Part way through Amy wakes up feeling her cheeks beginning to swell like the rest of her, becoming more like a pair of cheeks of a chipmunk overstuffed with nuts, yet her mouth is empty, it's all pure flab. Her chin and neck fat has started to blossom, giving her many doubles as her face becomes round shaped from it all
"nghhh, I feel... So... Heavy??!"
Amy tries to stand up but cannot, as she only put out enough strength to lift her old self, before seeing her jumper in two halves in front and behind her, her shirt ridden up so far her breasts and belly are completely sagging out beneath the fabric, her shorts looking more like panties before they finally snap and fall away
"what, I'm, I'm, so big, I, it was just a fantasy I had to think of a way to make sonic come to me, I -"
"-like it..."
As Amy continues to swell, she starts to bask in it, her increasing corpulence giving her an unbridled feeling of pleasure, and enjoyment beyond anything else, swelling further and further until her ass takes up the entire sofa seating real estate behind her, her belly spilling out taking up a good third of the room, her breasts so voluminous they cover a nice portion of the top of her belly and sag off to the sides halfway to the floor, her thighs rivalling the thickest forest tree trunks to ever exist in the Amazon, huge slabs of fleshy thickness, she drinks it in, and sits back, she's gonna be here a while.
Hello, im so sorry if I am bugging you in anyway shape or form, I wanted to ask if you wanted to Roleplay, only if you are free to or in the mood of coursed. Again im sorry if my message upsets you. I hope you are doing well and life is treating u the same
It's OK, I'm not upset. I'm sorry for not getting back to the RP. I've usually got a very busy schedule, and I use what little spare time I have to try and make space for it. Especially around Christmas. I'll try and get back to it as soon as I can.