Delfuego5's avatar


~Stay Wide Awake~
170 Watchers
  • June 9
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • They / Them
My Bio

~Stay Weird~

~You'd lose ya mind trying to understand mine~

~Page full of random art I like or find interesting.. I take credit for nothing.. photos manipulated by me, my style~

~Memento Vivere et Memento Mori~

~Never forget the people you hurt.. because they sure as hell won't forget about you - Ace~

Favourite Movies
| Scarface | 8 Mile |
Favourite TV Shows
| One Piece |
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
| Eminem | Nas | I.T. |
Favourite Books
| The Maze Runner Saga | Bluford Series | The Hunger Games |
Favourite Writers
| Walter Dean Myers |
Favourite Games
| Metal Gear Solid | Gears of War | The Last of Us | Fallout | Hollow Knight |
Favourite Gaming Platform
| Playstation | Gamecube | N64 | XBOX |
Tools of the Trade
| Cerebrum |
Other Interests
▫▫▫▪◽◾◻◼🔲🎁🔲◼◻◾◾◽▪▫▫▫ ~SE7EN DEAD7Y S7NS~ Within this poem lies a darkness that came out Pandora's Box Centuries ago curiosity caused humanity a horrific Shock.. Evil leaked The capital cardinals known as the Seven Deadly Sins 'Ecce Nunc' I shall speak in their tongue from now on to the Fin.. [💔LUST💃] My Name Is Lust, Your Lecherous DesireI Shall Burn Your Heart Like A Passionate FireAphrodisia Is All I Could Ever Hope To AdmireWith My Lewd I'll Make Sure Love Does ExpireI Am That Salacious Feeling You Always CraveWhen I'm Around You Intensify And MisbehaveI Am The One You Dare To Name And Cannot TameLibido, Love or Lust, To Me It's All ...
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