LOZ Redux: Hyrule MapDeimos-Remus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/deimos-remus/art/LOZ-Redux-Hyrule-Map-666188962Deimos-Remus

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LOZ Redux: Hyrule Map



So, I don't necessarily have anything else to add to the story, as anything pertaining to the Overworld and Underworld were said in their own pieces. I wanted to do this as one last extra piece to cap off the series, and to add some locational context as to where the bosses are situated and all that. 

1: Aquamentus- Location: Old Tree
2. Dodongo- Location: The Mines of Darunia
3. Manhandla- Location: Tomb of Saria
4. Gleeok: Location: Fortress of Snakes
5. Digdogger- Location: Temple of the Eye
6. Gohma- Location: Tomb of Kings
7: Aquamentus (repeat)- Location: Abandoned Fairy Pool
8. Gleeok (repeat)- Location: Hidden Tomb
9. Ganon- Location: Ganon's Fortress

With this map, I tried to stay as close as I could to the original game's layout, with the central lake, and death mountain looming at the top, but with a more naturalistic flow to the land and its features. There are some nods to other games in the series (notably OoT) but without being tied too much to that game's canon. Most of it however, much like all the other entries, is non-canonical and of my own design, so to speak. 

So, without saying more, I want to thank all of you for the feedback, comments and favorites during this long endeavor, I've enjoyed every second of it. Cheers!

For first time visitors, the series in its entirety can be seen here:

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You do know that the entire zelda 1 map is actually just a tiny fragment of Hyrule called "Death Mountain Area", right?

It's on the Zelda 2 overworld.