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anonymous's avatar
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34357777src's avatar
Hello i would like to join if members are active here.
DelightfulDolphin's avatar

You're welcome to join!

kllebou's avatar
I am wondering if you can check the posts coming in. I posted a photo "House on the lake" but the auto reply has just disappeared from my notifications and it is not posted. This has been going on for several months now but it has only been a suspicion up till now but I decided to track what is happening. When first posted the auto reply comes up as waiting to be accepted. Then it just disappears. This is happening on a number of other sites and I am wondering if it is DA itself. I would be grateful for your reply.
DolphinByDefault's avatar

We check our post inbox daily, perhaps you could leave a link to the submission you're mentioning, so that we can inspect what's going on, as none of your posts seems to still be in our submission inbox. Thanks!

kllebou's avatar

I have escalated to the DA help desk now. It may be a problem with DA or my account. Thanks.

FougereMarchant's avatar
Merci pour l'invitation! :)
DelightfulDolphin's avatar