Hi There fellow Deviant
How ya' doin? Miss me?
Hope everything's great with you guys.
I'm sorry I haven't updated my dA gallery this February.
I have been busy the past month, doing a few projects for clients.
I just started
freelancing a few months ago, making vector illustrations and design other stuff.
I'm still building a network of clients, and it just hit me that i need to get serious
in promoting my designs. So aside from doing client work last month, I was thinking
of ways to get my vectors out there.
So, from here on i'll be moving in the
wallpaper section of dA.
Yes! I 'll be making vector wallpapers from now on.
Thanks again for the support.
Consider my future uploads my thank you gift to you.
Oh, By the way. I might also start accepting
vector commissions here.
Maybe next month also. Stay tuned for that.
I'll also start up a
facebook page. Maybe next month.
I'll let you know when it's up. I hope you guys, support it.
Those who have facebook.
Oh, I also have tumblr. It's like an art blog and other inspirational stuff.
check it here.
deftbeat.tumblr.com/Thank you for lending 3 minutes or 5 minutes of your time.
Take care now