Fresh FruitDeFemme on DeviantArt

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DeFemme's avatar

Fresh Fruit



Hand Drawn in Ball Point Pen and Scanned, then colored.

I've had this chick in my sketchbook for a while. I drew her over the summer while listening to that one gnarles barkley song 'crazy' and looking through this book called Fruits. Its basically a photo book of these teens in japan and the crazy outfits they were, and it was oddly inspiring.

I also wanted to draw something with alot of detail, and have decided that as amazing a corsets are, I dont like to draw them. Laces are the devil's work to color.
Image size
850x1100px 206.31 KB
© 2006 - 2025 DeFemme
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GoGo-T-W's avatar
She's like a mix between beatnik and fruits.
I like it. :giggle: