Playful Kittendeeed on DeviantArt

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deeed's avatar

Playful Kitten



:iconendejester: has been incredibly patient waiting for her little kitty! I really appreciate it and I hope you like the end result!

This little guy is made in memory of her lovely cat, Mogget:…
He was great fun to make and I loved scissor-sculpting his face. The combination of jointed limbs and armature in the forelegs and tail allow for lots of different poses. He also has a small amount of steel shot in his belly for weight.

  • 7.5 inches tall from floor to head, not nose to tail.
  • Steiff Schulte faux fur, ultrasuede inner ear, horse-hair whiskers, sculpy nose and paw-pads.
  • 6-way cotter pin jointed with armature in the fore-legs and tail.
  • Glass cachobon eyes, pupils digitally painted by me.

Please note: I don't usually take on commissions like this, I'm rather nervous about trying to capture a beloved pet in plush form. The faux fur I like to use also only comes in a limited range of colours. If I make any more they'll likely be ones I create myself that will be put up for adoption.

Image size
1200x2900px 4.04 MB
© 2015 - 2025 deeed
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Avanii's avatar
Ahh he looks so nice! I love his face; cat faces can be so tricky! I also love how poseable he is, there's real character in this plush <3 (and I recognised the fur instantly, haha, I hope you enjoy working with it!)