Deathscent's avatar


I am Cornholio
119 Watchers86 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • Ireland
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (11)
My Bio

Current Residence: Donegal, Rep. of Ireland
Favourite genre of music: Anything, but not R&B
Favourite style of art: Disney for quality of animation.
Wallpaper of choice: Gorillaz
Favourite cartoon character: 2D, Tweek, Blackavar, Pink Panther, Sarafina, Alonzo, Munkustrap (not really cartoon...), L
Personal Quote: A narrow mind is usually accompanied by a wide mouth

Favourite Visual Artist
Boris Vallejo, Escher
Favourite Movies
Die Hard, Chicago, Cats, Beavis and Butt-Head, Perfume, Pulp fiction
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
REM, Gorillaz, Seal
Favourite Writers
Stephen King, Robin Jarvis
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Outlining pen, pencil (HB), computer...stuff like that
Other Interests
Drawing, Reading, Stephen King, Prison Break

I'm back

0 min read
Hi everyone!Well, I'm back! It's been about...a year since I had the internet, and I am just happy to be able to make pictures again.Thank you to everyone who still likes me, and I'm sorry that I haven't answered all your comments, but there is not really much point now because they're all about 6 months old. I have done alot of drawing over the last year (lost count after 40 pictures), and I can't wait to be able to scan them all. Unfortunately there isn't much hope of me getting a scanner anytime soon (I have no money whatsoever), but you never know, or I might get one for Christmas. So for now you'll just have the pictures I can make fr...
anonymous's avatar
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hi everyone!! I thought i had to mention a few things before i go and study for my maths exam. First, thank you to everyone that had watched me lately. seriously, i've had about 10 in the last 2 weeks, and i really appreciate it. :hug:second, I am not ignoring you all. The thing is, my computer has....died, basically, and so not only can i not make pictures for a while, but i can't get on the internet, either. I am doing this from school at the moment (the computers here suck :P), and i don't think i will manage to get another computer till after i move, hopefully in a few weeks.So i do care about you all, and i will thank everyone and ans...
anonymous's avatar
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I have finally made myself wake up abit, and get on with the trades that are due to people. I have been in abit of an...uninpirational patch at the moment, but i think i am out now, and i think i should make the most of it.:iconsmoulder: :star::star::star-empty::star-empty::star-empty:  idea formed, sketch done, just needs to be skanned. I hope to finish it over the weekend. I want to try something different for this, so i'll see how it goes :D:iconjynx37: :star-half::star-empty::star-empty::star-empty::star-empty: i've seen the reference, but i have no idea yet. I will focus on it next week, maybe, when :iconsmoulder:'s is finished ^^than...
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Profile Comments 214

anonymous's avatar
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Bridgit14's avatar

Your art is amazing.

Bridgit14's avatar

I love your art.

Bridgit14's avatar
Super Zazu (Without Background)
Super Zazu

Here is Zazu from The Lion King as a superhero.

ZombieCookieEater13's avatar
Cynthia-Blair's avatar
Thanks for adding me as a friend! :D
Deathscent's avatar
absolutely no prob, ur an amazing artist, i'll definitely keep track :D