~Assassin HQ before death~
Another Assassin Master: You two are to be helping Jacob and Eve take back Londan.
(y/n): Yes...
Jess: will be done.
~timeskip of near death pov (y/n)~
"Well that was bloody amazing"
"Us and The Rooks we'll be unstoppable we can free this place from templar hands." Jacob said walking on the the train.
"I'm going to be Master Assassin before you." Eve yell getting on the train.
"Remember when we were like that sis."
"Yeah I remember" Jess said.
I see an man pull a gun out and aim for my sis. I oush her out of the way and take four shots to the chest.
"Jacob!, Eve !.... (y/n) been shot" Jess said. I Was trying to stay awake. I see my sister run at the guy but gets shot twice right in the stumach. My eyes widen. I force my self to stand up.
"You...You.....YOU BASTARD!" I ran and jumped onto the guy and started stabbing him repeatly till I finally bled out.
~Dark area~
"Hello" My voice just echos.
"(y/n)?" I heard a voice behind me and i turned my head
"Hey sis...so this is what being dead feels like."
"Well you're not dead, but you're not alive either. Hi I'm Luna maiden of the moon" Luna said.
"So we are in Limbo?"
"in short term yes and no." Luna said.
"I'd like you two to come with me and be my revenants." Luna continued..
"One Question can we kill stuff?"
"Yes but you also have to protect me."
"I'm in. Sis?"
"Where he goes i go." Jess said.
"Ok just one thing" Luna said.
"What?" Me and Jess said in unison.
"we have to unlock your auras then we will continue" Luna said.
Then she did something that made me Glow (f/c) and my sis glow as Blue as the sky.
"do you know what semblances are" Luna asked.
'no but i could learn a thing or two.'
"Can you please get out of my mind" Luna said.I took a step back
"Sorry....cool look I can control smoke too." I was having the time of my life while my sis lit my butt on fire. "AHHHHHHH! IT BURNS" Jess makes the fire disappear.
"That was for the prank when we were kids." Jess said.
"Today is going to be a long day" Luna said which made me and my Sis laugh.. Luna gave us a confused look then started laughing too.