Greetings deviant adventurer. I see you have dared to set foot onto my lair?
Brave. Not many would seek out the chaotic den of a grown-up edgelord and devoted gamer girl, who still watches cartoons and reads books made for kids because she can. What is it that you seek? The thrill of facing me in verbal battle, with nothing but the distance provided by a computer screen between us? The glory and riches the poor townsfolk of the internet will shurely grant you, for slaying this terrible, oppinionated beast?
...What? You just wish to just honestly admire my work? Ask me a few questions?
Well, that is unexpected. But I shall humor you. Feel free to rumage around, I have nothing to hide. You may ask me what you wish, I shall answer with honesty. Even if it burns us both. Harharharharharhar~
This might be a bit random but I had a dream last night that Reduced to Pride had an album alongside a bunch of other fanfics I like.
I can't really remember any of the songs on it though, except one that would probably never appear in the story lol.
Okey, that´s certainly interesting. XD
In case you're wondering the song was Bomicelli (Lute's sadistic scientist little brother and one of my OC'S if you don't remember) having a rap battle with Niffty. For some reason he rapped like MF Doom. Can't remember any of the lyrics but I remember being genuinely shocked by how brutal Niffty's roasts were.
Happy New Year, DBS!!!
How's 2025 treating you so far?
And to you as well!!! 🥳
So far, I see no difference to the last year.
Thank you for faving!