MITHRA tech, suit conceptDCLzexon on DeviantArt

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MITHRA tech, suit concept



suit concepts for my character (now nameless yet again atm due to wanting MITHRA to be the name of the energy source)

in a world where symbiotic tech enhancements and martial art techniques have fused to create the perfect soldier, a new element has come to the playing field: MITHRA energy (basiclly seen as magic) is a natural made energy only able to be harnessed by those who still have there natural lungs, as it is produced by a reaction that takes place within them.

this model of suit is 1 of a kind, as it helps circulate the MITHRA energy around the body, tech accessories also allows for the physical manifestation of MITHRA in the form of a lightly luminescent purple cloak, good for defense against energy tech or MITHRA energy based weapons. its physical defense is limited to that of a normal cloak, but its energy can be re routed into other objects and weapons to enhance them, specially with weapons built for the soul reason of that.
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3300x2100px 624.23 KB
© 2012 - 2025 DCLzexon
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VicOne's avatar
Interesting, i will check later for the finished job