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Dave, Dchan or whatever
97 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Film & Animation
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (307)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
My Bio

Basically an art enthusiast that became an Art Director and Graphic Designer. I grew up in a very artistic Japanese colony in Brazil, where for the last 18 years I learned to work my colorblindness around on several different art styles, from walls to screens, also from Fashion to VideoGame and Film industry. Currently working as Lead Artist - Ui for Game Companies, and as Production Designer for films. Previously worked at Ready at Dawn, Captain America: CIvil War, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Epic Games, Netherrealm. I'm specialized on FUI (Fictional User Interfaces) for moving medias (VideoGames, Film, VR). Currently working and living in the Seattle area, USA.

I don't post my professional Film work here, as contractually I'm not allowed to, so this is basically filled with personal projects and experiments, hope you will enjoy. Thank you!

Favourite Visual Artist
Ralph Mcquarrie, John Berkey, Broom, Feng Zhu, Tim Burtom, Shinji Kimura, Morimoto Koji
Favourite Movies
2001? A Space Odyssey, Seven, Les Triplettes Belleville, Inception, Jin Roh, Akira, Star wars, Back to the Future
Favourite TV Shows
Firefly, Walking Dead, Game of thrones, True Detective, Big bang theory, Silicon Valley, The Alphas
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
NIN, Mighty Oaks, Regina Spektor, Interpol, Cat Power, Hot Water Music, Bjork, Scheer, Fugazi, Portishead, Beatles, Jeff Buckley
Favourite Books
The road, Gone Girl,
Favourite Writers
Cameron Crowe, George R Martin, J. R. R. Tolkien, Joss Wheadon,
Favourite Games
Shadow of Mordor, Borderlands, Battlefield, Castlevania, Wipe Out and Megaman
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC and Nintendo famicom
Tools of the Trade
Wacom 27 QHD and a Surface Pro 3
Other Interests
Concept art, Motion Graphics , Design, Stop-motion, Anime and Manga
Hey nice people, thank you for your love and support! I've been on DA for 14 years now (No cake badge yet >_<) but I think my time here is coming to an end. I'll still hangout a little more, meanwhile you can talk to me on Twitter: @weeneeds. DA it's...
anonymous's avatar
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For all the folks that followed me here over the last 13 years, I'm alive, yes I survived the Cancer and I'm well! I moved from Brazil to USA to work at Epic Games in North Carolina. Thank you all for all the support messages, I logged back again her...
anonymous's avatar
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Hello my dear DA friends! It`s been a long time since my last visit here, and even longer time since my last post.First of all, thanks everybody for some many nice comments... and thanks DA staff for the nice support! I am sorry for being away so much time, I was just taking a little time from the world, to get fat, get older and get more experienced in life being sick again, and again, and again. But now I am healthy, renewed and ready for this new pre-apocalyptic year. I am continuing to work at my Design Studio ( FOMA ) and now I am a happy owner of a small and brand new Collectible and Toy Store too. Making films Things are getting muc...
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Profile Comments 2.3K

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darquiel's avatar
GabyCoutino's avatar
Nice gallery

Have a bunny
MissKingdomVII's avatar
I just saved so much of your art to make it the background of my phone and computer. LOL

darquiel's avatar
GabyCoutino's avatar
nice gallery 
have a heart
lobi2's avatar
Caraca Dchan que trabalho incrível. Vi que vc trabalhou em Guerra do CIvil, Guerra das Estrelas: A Força Desperta. Parabéns. Queria fazer uma pergunta. Vc fez algum curso ou estudou algo sobre 3D? e quais cursos seriam? 

Parabens mais uma vez...