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Theseus of Athens about to slay the monstrous Minotaur in the labyrinth of Knossos. I imagine the Minotaur telling Thesesus some poisonous family secrets, in his last breath, which might account for the mysterious abandoning of Ariadne on Naxos, subsequently. About Poseidon's curse, and whether a hero would really want to become a monster's posthumous brother-in-law, or to take a bride born of such a sullied womb...
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© 2018 - 2025 dazinbane
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Actually, Theseus had an liaison with the Minotaur, rather than killing him. Ariadne was privy to this lie, and therefore had to be left on Naxos, so as to remove the credible witness telling the ''real'' story of what happened. Theseus was known to be a braggart, so his claim of having slain the Minotaur is impeached.
Besides, what about that ''stained'' chiton he was wearing when he left the labyrinth. And the size of the stain was considerable, indicating that it could not have come from one source.....
The true account of this was compiled by Xenophon, but was lost when the library at Alexandria was burned.
Besides, what about that ''stained'' chiton he was wearing when he left the labyrinth. And the size of the stain was considerable, indicating that it could not have come from one source.....
The true account of this was compiled by Xenophon, but was lost when the library at Alexandria was burned.