My professional account can be found at:
Video Game Design and Development Student.
Wanna be concept artist.
I have too much imagination, and not enough time or resources to turn it all into reality. But I'd love to try.
Current Residence: Canada
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XL
Favourite genre of music: I don't like country... but I do like western, and pretty much everything else.
Favourite photographer: Any of the ones on my watchlist.
Favourite style of art: The Art of Style?... no... Bushido, Wushu, Capoeira Angola.
Operating System: Windows XPS78202k Something something...
MP3 player of choice: da ting done get bruk up.
Shell of choice: Conch shell. Or turtle shell.
Wallpaper of choice: I prefer paint
Skin of choice: You don't choose,
Favourite cartoon character: uhm.... difficult choice.
Personal Quote: "When you do your best, not even angels can do more" - Gladstone B Rock,
Personal Quote: "武士道は死の断固たる受容である。" - 宮本武蔵
can you do commissions?