The JediDawnoftheBlueMoon on DeviantArt

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DawnoftheBlueMoon's avatar

The Jedi



my jedi oc/sona
dual wielding lightsabers including a black core electrum lightsaber
want him to interact with other star wars ocs

Name: Elvian Vanros

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Time era: The old Republic aprox. 3000 bby (galactic war)

Occupation: Jedi knight

Height: 5'9"

Focus: Jedi Sentinel

Personality: Chill, quick to think and concentrated.

Bio: Born in Makeb from a gray jedi father, and taken to the Tython academy at a very young age, Elvian trained, becoming one of the top 20 students his age, and after being assigned to a jedi master, he found the story about his father, but once he sought him out (contrary to his master's wants) he discovered his father one day had just vanished, leaving to him an electrum, black cored lightsaber. Once he came back to tython, the rare lightsaber was confiscated. Years passed and he cleared his trials, making himself an adept in the Jar'Kai lightsaber form, and requested to the council that they allow him to carry his late father's lightsaber. With much care and talk, the majority of the council approved, seeing as there seemed to be nothing wrong with the weapon. After his rise to knighthood, he moved the the jedi temple in Coruscant.

-talented in the force
-doesnt particularly hate Sith, just what they stand for
-Usually doesnt flinch when killing for the sake of the galaxy
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3250x2646px 1.77 MB
© 2016 - 2025 DawnoftheBlueMoon
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k-christine's avatar
I'm not sure if you're aware, and forgive me if you are, but a few other people seem to have uploaded this deviation a few days after you did:…

I just thought you should know as there's no credit given or anything ^^