Star Wars: Operation KnightFalldavidshadow275 on DeviantArt

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Star Wars: Operation KnightFall



-Star wars belongs to George Lucas, creator of Star wars, each character that appears there is his creation, so please respect the official author and the official realease.

-Sahi-eaz belongs to me, thats my OC, so please support the official realease and officila material of the charcter ok

-If youy watched the complete serie I created called: Star Wars: Destiny of the Dark Side, you should know this key moment in its grand finale, in whic After his betrayel of the jedi order Anakin Skywalker, alongside his new apprentice, lead the 501st legion to the jedi temple, instigating a massaker of the younglings and teachers stationed there, in which resulted in the beginning of Operation Knightfall and the Jedi Purge by Order 66, to start the Rise of the new Galactic Empire...

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Despite this dark scene, and the darkness of the movie in general, it happens to be my favorite in the series. IDK why, though.