Current Residence: Umbrella Mansion deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium Favourite genre of music: Metal, Rock, Industrial Favourite photographer: Serena Star Favourite style of art: Fine Art Operating System: Mac MP3 player of choice: Ipod
So here I am.. First time here on Deviant art. I hope to meet lots of crazy creative people and gain inspiration from all the beautiful pieces of art here. I will be posting more work off and on so if you like my style, feel free to add me to your watch list. I would like to thank my lovely other half, Serena Star :iconschizophrenickittie: for showing me this site. I've been in a creative rut for a while so I hope I will be able to break free and be me.
Awesome. Damn, you are extremely strong, I love your works Im a great fan of your design. I would probably share a beautiful song to you in return. [link]