Lydia's youthDavaba19 on DeviantArt

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Lydia's youth


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Another lovely sequence by YellowCatArt98 YellowCatArt98 , this time another KND sequence though instead of someone growing older, the KND decided to try a new Youth formula in a possible attempt to counter the age virus that caused some of the members of the KND, of course they tried the formula on Lydia aka Number 2's Grandma who after getting an explanation after she gotten a bit younger decided to join the KND after she grew up a bit after the youth.

Here are the following ages: 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 45, 35, 26, 21, 16, 13, 10, 6, 3 and 1

This sequence/commission was drawn and created by YellowCatArt98

Image size
14069x1700px 1.61 MB
© 2025 Davaba19
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