.venus and the unborn.DasMeinUndDein on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/dasmeinunddein/art/venus-and-the-unborn-80667987DasMeinUndDein

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DasMeinUndDein's avatar

.venus and the unborn.



Diptych series for the same concept with the latest .circa abort.

The concept is about abortion, where in all abortions, the women and the child are the most suffered human beings. There are thousands of reasons why pre- mothers decide to stop the pregnancies and where in the end; the aborted children will not have their first chance to choose, because their destinies are left unborn.

I decided to put the concept this way because in my opinion now, not all tragic must be portrayed ugly, even though the feeling of facing that situation is indescribable not pretty.
Well since it’s all relative, I can say my way and you can say yours…

c& c are widely welcomed.
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bananandcheese's avatar
style kamu unik bgt yaa. glamorous!