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Appropriator of Abandoned Coffee
222 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (277)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
My Bio

Trigger-happy brass player and ex-labrat who eliminates corrupt city councillors with rusty metal buckets, and drives old aunts up walls. May or may not be able to draw.

Favourite Visual Artist
J Bolton | M Busch | S Dali | MC Escher | S Hampton | Mahir Ates | J Warhola | S Youll
Favourite Movies
The Godfather | The Shawshank Redemption | Star Wars | 2001
Favourite TV Shows
Dr Who | House MD | Quantum Leap
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
V Ashkenazy | Canadian Brass | B Joel | T Lehrer | C Lindberg | G Miller | Muse | Pet Shop Boys
Favourite Books
The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
Favourite Writers
D Adams | I Asimov | AC Clarke | R Dawkins | S Hawking | A Reynolds | C Sagan | PG Wodehouse
Favourite Games
Bioshock | Godfather | Hitman | KotOR | Left4Dead | Mafia | Portal | Text Twist
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC. My thumbs are useless
Tools of the Trade
Corel PhotoPaint | Ink | Pencils | Wacom Intuos 3 | Occasionally, chopsticks
Other Interests
Classical music | PC gaming | Reading | Science | Star Wars | Webmastering
It's just that I've neglected my gallery here for so long that the gathering dust bunnies have gained sentience, and I hesitate to poke my nose around the corner lest it gets gnawed off. I haven't given up drawing; far from it, I have oodles of doodles scattered throughout my Tumblr account, some of which I have been uploading to my gallery. (Though not *most* of it, because I doubt anyone here would wish to be spammed with pages of Les Miserables fan art...). Far more cartoons and hijinks than serious pictures but hey, sometimes you just have to go with the flow to avoid burning out.Anyway, I hope to be more active here again, so I'll...
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I'm back from vacation. Electronic avalanche follows. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. WHERE DID I GO?To China. Specifically, to a bunch of places in the Fujian province, half of which I never even knew existed (and most of which you will probably not have heard of since they're not wildly popular in the Western world. If you have, well, hats off to you ;)).Why all these places that I couldn't even find on the map at first? Well, partly because I've already been to most of the popular places, and partly because I was assured that the Wuyi Mountains was breathtakingly beautiful and I'd be an ass not to go. Also, I was curious to see how well I'd be ab...
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VacationJust a notice to say that I'll be out of the building from the 7th to the 14th of November. See you all when I get back! :wave:Slender (or, a Slim Chance of surviving with your nerves unfrayed)How can a basic game, consisting of little more than searching a tree-packed enclosure for just *eight* pages of barely comprehensible scribbles while somebody is stalking you, scare the living daylights out of someone?I scoffed at the idea when :iconjardel-karabella: told me about Slender: The Eight Pages , a free game by Parsec Productions (conceived on a SomethingAwful thread). Short, free, and all you have to do is grab a couple of pages...
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Profile Comments 2.3K

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BollywoodGraphics's avatar
celestial-insanity's avatar
I first found your art on KotOR Fan Media and you were my absolute favorite. I was extremely happy to stumble upon your page again today. Your stuff is amazing, as usual. Thank you for taking me back to those days! <3
GarynDakari-JAR's avatar
Marvelous art, you.
kytsko's avatar
You are amazing ;__; <3
barneyjones123's avatar
Your artwork is astonishing
ALVANEART's avatar

Hi :wave:

Thank you for joining RealismGroup!  We’re happy to have you as our member and we look forward to seeing your floral themed work in our galleries.


We advice you to take a moment to read through our Submission Guidelines. If you’d like, you can also read more about our group in the About Us  section.  If you have any questions, you can also contact us via note.


Thank you for your custom and we look forward to seeing you around :heart:

