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S-3217 Helios is a blue and gold walking fembot arsenal that unplugged her commands given by Skullman Zero, (the future Skullman) and she depises that man because she had a change of heart which dwelled up giving her free will when she met Princess Krystal deciding she protect her and eradicate Zero's discipline of his nasty goals of making his domination of conquering future Thobius and the universe...
Helios: Skullman either way the future or present, I despise my creator for all the nasty destruction he has commanded me to assassinate Princess Krystal of the future, but I chose to protect her and I shall as her friend as if she's also Kechi's adopted sister I will protect her too as family...
Artwork is (c)
Helios: Skullman either way the future or present, I despise my creator for all the nasty destruction he has commanded me to assassinate Princess Krystal of the future, but I chose to protect her and I shall as her friend as if she's also Kechi's adopted sister I will protect her too as family...
Artwork is (c)
Image size
1134x1633px 650.46 KB
© 2012 - 2025 DarkXeo
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Is she E-123 Omega in your story?