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Hi all,
It's been a while since my last post almost a year since i last shared some thoughts on here.
So I'm in my 5th year at university. I never thought i'd be at uni for this long.
Ive got another half a semester next year making it my 6th year where i will be finishing up my Masters in Secondary Teaching course. On my way to becoming a Visual Arts teacher. It'sbeen great teaching in schools. I taught at a private school and also a state school to see the different types of learning evironments. I also taught in China this year in July to teach at at a university there in Ningbo. The trip was great and so rewarding i went to four major cities. Xian being one where i got to see the Terracotta warriors. Absolutely amazing!!! Beijing, the shopping was excellent!!! Shanghai, crazy sky scrapers!!! Ningbo, such lovely people there!!! I graduated this year in April and received me Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts too. That was pretty exciting and fun. I'll be graduating again for my masters near the end of next year possibly.It's funny knowing that i haven't done one exam since I've started university in 2006 till now.

So yeah not much else has been happening. I'm going back to my old roots now just doing things i want to do. I've got a lot of free time on my hands. So I'm devoting that time to friends and making art and just living life the best way i can. Most importantly skating. I recently picked up my skateboard again end started skating. It's so much fun and endearing to me. I just feel so free riding it. More so than on my motorbike. Which I'm not so fond of now since it started giving me bad vibes and I've had a few close calls on it but its still cool riding it for the bad ass appeal and image. I'm still studying Ninjutsu. I'm a 5th Kyu now, which i am very proud of, accomplishing so much within a year. Aiming to get my black belt or 1st Dan in time hopefully.

My art has taken a weird twist. It keeps morphing into something different every couple of months. Without me realizing but its just progressing and developing and I'm liking where it is taking me. The journey is quite fun. I'll be sculpting very soon. Because i miss getting messy with clay and plaster. I'm planning on creating some monsters busts and crazy masks out of silicon and latex. I cant wait to get my hands busy on that. Apart from thats pretty much all thats happening at the moment.

Thanks for all the support and the respect for my art. I value everyones comments, faves and downloads and llamas lol. Thank you for everything and for keeping me going.

Much love,



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