Chucky watching Child's Play remakeDarknessBS on DeviantArt

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Chucky watching Child's Play remake




Esta seria según yo la reacción que Chucky (original) tendria al ver esta escena, en la que Buddi dice "Nadie lastima a mi mejor amigo" o sea a Andy.
Hasta la ultima película Chucky intentó matar a Andy, siempre fuero enemigos, sin embargo en esta pelicula nos muestran que Chucky mato a siertos personajes para "defenderlo" cosa totalmente opuesta a la original.
Espero les haya gustado este pequeño comic xd.


This would be according to me the reaction that Chucky (original) would have to see this scene, in which Buddi says "Nobody hurts my best friend" or Andy. Until the last movie Chucky tried to kill Andy, he was always enemies, however in this movie they show us that Chucky killed seven characters to "defend him" something totally opposite to the original. I hope you liked this little comic xd.
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3307x4677px 3.89 MB
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ArtsCreator's avatar

This pretty much explains why Don Macini refused to be involved in the reboot.