Current Residence: The 2nd alternate 3rd dimension
Favourite genre of music: Video Game, Anime OST, and random stuff really
Favourite photographer: N/A
Favourite style of art: Anime/manga
Operating System: A Giant Fighting Robot
MP3 player of choice: PSP
Shell of choice: 44 mm magnum shell!
Wallpaper of choice: Raspberyl
Skin of choice: Women's!!! with big squishy boobs!!!
Favourite cartoon character: Vash, Komoe, chiharu, Shino, Zetsu, Hinata, Tsunade, Gai, Lee, Raspberyl, Mitsuba, Taiga
Personal Quote: ...Tastes like....thong...
Hey dood, do you take commissions or plan to?
I haven't opened commissions in a loooooong time, but plan to do so some day, I just dunno when or if it'll be any time soon. You can send me a note on here though with your comm ideas at any time tho if ya wanna hash out what sort of thing we could do in the future :3
Ah no worries, will do
Thank you very much for the diamond badge, and the one month of Core. It’s very kind of you
No problem dood! I'd give more if the website would let me LMAO I saw that Deviantart is getting rid of the fragments system soon, so I thought I should go around to some of my favorite artists and writers and let them get somethin out of it rather than them go to waste! You were one of the first ones on my list :3
Well I’m enormously flattered that someone like yourself feels that way about my writing, I wish it were even half as good as your art!