Can you believe it? My oldest will be driving this year aiiieeeeeeee!I'm having a banner year teaching this go round, my kids are just so receptive and willing to try new things. I've been working on projects to help them loosen up a bit. You would be surprised how tense they can be, they feel like they have to be perfect. So I'm doing lots of coaching :) in that dept.Hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season, and that you are staying warm!Cheers!Cat
I'm still here, back to school has kept me in a whirl wind, goodness I have wonderful kids this year! (ack I'm jinxing myself ... probably shouldn't say that the second week of school!) I'm going to have such fun working with them, so far we are just warming up and building confidence ( upside down drawing anyone? :)That said, I'm so glad to have the long weekend! I'm hoping to get a little studio time in and get myself grounded. I so quickly feel scattered when back to work (like butter over too much bread)Hey did you guys know there is a 3D Nightmare before Christmas? is this new? squeee!Cheers all!Cat
hello there , i really loved your spring mandala. it's the only one out of all the ones i've seen that i really adore. i would love to get your permission if i could use your artwork idea and colour choice for a real mandala that i will be painting. please do get back in contact with me!
hi there! i really like your artwork.. so much that i'd like to get a tattoo of one of them, the white rabbit, so i was wondering if i had your permission to actually do it! thanks!