darklighteryphon's avatar


RPG Lover and Toys to life fan.
27 Watchers15 Deviations

Thunder Strike a Skylanders story. by darklighteryphon, literature

Cynder's betrayal Chapter 2 Some scars don't heal. by darklighteryphon, literature

A gift for a hero. Part 1 by darklighteryphon, literature

Fae's hypocrisy. by darklighteryphon, literature

The lore of my Spyro fanon by darklighteryphon, literature

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights by darklighteryphon, literature

Fae-CaptainofDreams's extreme SJW's views by darklighteryphon, literature

the purple dragon prophecy. by darklighteryphon, literature

You can't be serious. by darklighteryphon, literature

HospitallerInaBoat's replay and my opinion by darklighteryphon, literature

See All

Thunder Strike a Skylanders story. by darklighteryphon, literature

Cynder's betrayal Chapter 2 Some scars don't heal. by darklighteryphon, literature

A gift for a hero. Part 1 by darklighteryphon, literature

Fae's hypocrisy. by darklighteryphon, literature

The lore of my Spyro fanon by darklighteryphon, literature

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights by darklighteryphon, literature

Fae-CaptainofDreams's extreme SJW's views by darklighteryphon, literature

the purple dragon prophecy. by darklighteryphon, literature

You can't be serious. by darklighteryphon, literature

HospitallerInaBoat's replay and my opinion by darklighteryphon, literature

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  • Feb 16
  • Australia
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • He / Him
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Favourite Visual Artist
See my Watching list.
Favourite Movies
Dragons Destiny of Fire.
Favourite TV Shows
Skylanders Academy.
Favourite Books
Skylanders novel series, The Executioner: The watchmaker's son.
Favourite Writers
See my Watching list.
Favourite Games
Spyro Shadow Legacy, All Skylanders games, Lightseekers, The Eye of Judgment, Tokyo Jungle, Stellaris, The Executioner.
Favourite Gaming Platform
All Sony Consoles, Nintendo Switch.
If you have been in the Spyro, Wrings Of Fire or Sonic fandoms long enough odds are you have met DrydenServer or one of his alt/throwaway accounts like PaulJohnsonthethird at one point and if you've been in Spyro, Minecraft, DC or Marvel fandoms long enough odds are you have met FaeBelowDeck or one of her alt/throwaway accounts like Fae-CaptainofDreams at one point. So how are those two toxic? Dryden is a fanatic Spyro x Cynder shipper who goes around the Spyro fan community bashing any Spyro fan work he sees that ships Spyro and/or Cynder with any other character and is known to call anyone who has shipped Cynder with Malefor a paedophile even though Cynder is an adult in those arts. He also strongly believes Darkstorker isn't evil and is known to get angry at people who do. He also ships Sonic and Tails together but keeps them their canon age which given what he calls others doesn't look good for him. Fae on the other hand is a radical SJW who tries to force woke crap ( more like
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It's been just over six month since my last journal post and after giving it some thought I've decided to end the Cynder's betrayal series. The reason for this is because I just don't have the time to invest in a long fan story as I'm not on the internet every day thanks to things going on in my real life. Now this doesn't mean I have 100% abandoned Cynder's betrayal as many parts I thought up can still work as their own one shots such as Malefor and Cynder bonding as father and daughter or Conan comforting his little sister Zinc after a nightmare. Whole I am sad I had to stop this fan series in a way I'm glad as now I can move on to other works and if I do try to write a long series again it will be an original work as I know I'll be invested enough to see it through if it is. But for now I'll just be writing one shots. For those of you who wanted to see the end of this story I'm sorry, I know it's frustrating it see a story you like never get finished but I feel this is for the
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I have given it a lot of thought and I've come to realize that the reason I haven't finished the second chapter was because I spent too long away from it that I forgotten where to take the plot ( plus watching Skylanders Academy gave me some new ideas to use in the story that didn't worke with the original plot ), so after asking some of my real life friends what to do they all agreed that I should rewrite the second chapter over so I can add the ideas I got and fix the things I feel just don't work with the original plot. But before I do that I feel it's only fair to post the unfinished chapter two for those who have been waiting patiently for it for the last seven years and to show where the plot originally was going. So how will this affect the Cynder's betrayal series as a whole? Some of the changes to accommodate the new plot like chapter two will no longer be in first person and the one short "The evil within" will not be written as the plot for it doesn't exist anymore. How
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Mojo1985's avatar

Thanks for the watch.

Malylamik-CZ's avatar

Hey, do you think you could tell me where the original NxC story was? I could use wayback machine.

From what I was told it was here on DA.

GhostDog91's avatar

Link to my price sheet https://sta.sh/015fu8yvluhp

Thanks for the favs/watch. Personalized paypal commissions (not point commissions) are always open and i am flexable with what i can draw.

I only accept payment through PayPal and i'm easy to contact through notes.

You're welcome. :)

With the cost of living is bad as it is I won't be able to request commissions, I'm sorry.

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