Bullseye (Floyd Lawton)DarkKnight257 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/darkknight257/art/Bullseye-Floyd-Lawton-610497948DarkKnight257

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Bullseye (Floyd Lawton)



Name: Floyd Lawton.
Alias: Lester - Bullseye.
Nationality: American.
Alignment: Bad.
Affiliations: Thunderbolts.
D.O.B: September 23rd, 1968.
Born into wealth and fortune, Floyd was the youngest of 5 brothers. Their parents did not get along, as his Father was a cheating man and abused his wife when she accused him. Floyd's Mother asked him in secrecy to kill his Father, revealing he wasn't actually his Father. With no connection to him anymore, Floyd agreed and took their hunting rifle, sitting in the tree outside his Mother's bedroom to kill him. That night was particularly windy, and Floyd's amateur marksmanship meant that upon firing the weapon, he missed and shot his Mother instead. After that, he ran away and his family moved home.

Floyd spent the next few years learning to become an expert marksman until he never missed a shot, so that the next time he saw his Father, he could kill him, and he did. But with his new skills, he became an assassin and mercenary, getting hired by gangsters and terrorists around the world. But the thrill of shooting was too much for Lawton, and so he became a terrorist in his own name - Bullseye - and robbed banks when he got bored just to shoot. This drew the attention of the Batman when he tried it in Gotham, and so the World's Greatest Detective was against the World's Greatest Assassin. Batman eventually became the victor in their fight, and he was arrested and locked in a high security prison. He was soon released, however, as part of General Ross' new team, the Thunderbolts. They were a team of criminals, used to fight in dangerous situations and if they acted out, they were killed.

Credit where it's due.
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© 2016 - 2025 DarkKnight257
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Nova20X's avatar
Looks amazing, really liked the story and the build up for the Thunderbolts, also very fond on the suit, reminds me of that new Blue Deadshot from the Deadshot/Katana book.