As New Year is around the corner I start to reflect on the ups and downs over the past year. And start to seriously asses what makes me happy. After recently being made single by the girl I thought I was gonna spend my life with, I have come to realise that one must be strong enough to do everything by themselves. Thus I shall try to improve upon my flaws and weaknesses. Which brings me on to my next topic !!!
52 Week Project
As a photographer I try to expand my options in what I do , I have taught myself so many things and have improved on them with time. But the one thing I cannot endure is Self Portraits. I find them challenging towards the self esteem and hard to be creative with. SO.... I am starting a 52 week project based on self portraits. This will be one of the hardest things to do for me, and I thought I would post it here as the DA community has got me this far in my photography and I believe you guys will push me further with your amazingness I shall do my very best to post every week a photo
I would like to start by thanking everyone that donated prizes to my just gone contest Muchly appreciated ! And would like to do a special feature to one person in particular who donated OVER 1000 Towards the contest
After coming back to DA I started realising not many people did features anymore which made me a bit sad. I find some of the most amazing things through peoples features. So here is my addition to the community
Could ALL winners please let me know if you would like the Premium Membership or Points ?
Thank you!
Thank you sooo much for those of you who took part in the contest !! I think the rest of the judges will agree with me when I say it was very difficult to choose the winners ! I would also like to thank EVERYONE who voted and helped the process along Tell me what you think about the system so I know weather to do it next time or not >.< THANK YOU ALL !!!
Please take a look at their incredible work .:thumb345851781::thumb346254170::thumb343960129::thumb344152651::thumb312699503::thumb268810894::thumb339976698::thumb345683306::thumb345052083::thumb344293972::thumb345095457::thumb298768740::thumb324245180::thumb345036310::thumb346093334::thumb346254560::thumb346022668:For my next journal feature I shall photo that have inspired me.
And it will be a BIG feature :) So watch out :)
New Year, 52 Week Project, Features by darkHunTer2009, journal
New Year, 52 Week Project, Features
New Year As New Year is around the corner I start to reflect on the ups and downs over the past year. And start to seriously asses what makes me happy. After recently being made single by the girl I thought I was gonna spend my life with, I have come to realise that one must be strong enough to do everything by themselves. Thus I shall try to improve upon my flaws and weaknesses. Which brings me on to my next topic !!! 52 Week Project As a photographer I try to expand my options in what I do , I have taught myself so many things and have improved on them with time. But the one thing I cannot endure is Self Portraits. I find them chall...
Dreams Contest- ***Winners*** by darkHunTer2009, journal
Dreams Contest- ***Winners***
Winners! I have to say I was overwhelmed with the amount and quality of entries! As promise the winner are announced today :DANYWAY TALK OVER time for you to find out the winners !!!! :winner: First place :winner: :DevNilanja:
:thumb339619986:CONGRATULATIONS !!! :D :D
:winner: Second place :winner: :DevRAWRIbite:
:thumb336035955:CONGRATULATIONS !!! :D :D Woop woop :)
:winner: Third place :winner: :Deviam-SHERLOCKED:
:thumb337692656:CONGRATULATIONS !!! :D :D YAAAY :D :D
Prizes Could ALL winners please let me know if you would like the Premium Membership or Points ?
Dreams Contest- TOP 9 Entries by darkHunTer2009, journal
Dreams Contest- TOP 9 Entries
TOP 11 Entries from the contest The original set up was the top 2 photos from each poll, due to the 2/3 polls having a Tie for 2nd I thought it would only be fair to include the 3 from the 3rd poll as well ! So here you go!
These 9 Entries are going through to the Judging process :) :) The winners will be published TODAY before 12pm UK time :):thumb337692656::thumb335966089:
**Dreams CONTEST ** VOTING!!!!! by darkHunTer2009, journal
**Dreams CONTEST ** VOTING!!!!!
**Dreams CONTEST ** VOTING!!!!! Below you will find links to the polls :) If you could please please please vote in every poll :D :D .
The TOP 2 from every poll will go through the judging for which we have 5 judges to decided upon the 3 winners :winner: The polls will be open for a couple of days :) RULES STATE THAT YOU MUST NOT ASK FOR PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR YOUR ENTRY! YOU CAN PUSH PEOPLE TO THE POLL BUT THEY MUST DECIDE FROM THEMSELVES. ANYONE CAUGHT ASKING FOR VOTES WILL HAVE THEIR ENTRY REMOVED FROM THE CONTEST! THE POLLS ! Here are the polls: :bulletred:Poll 1 - :bullet...