The Bulls in Lego Football AKA Soccer Mainadarkhaven97 on DeviantArt

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The Bulls in Lego Football AKA Soccer Maina



Stupid deviantart having a size limit to what you wanna submit!

Does anyone remember this particular classic non-licensed themed Lego game? No?
Well enjoy some pictures of my precious Lego Castle outlaw boys as they appear in the game anyway. It just warms me to see Cedric officially smile and happy for a change instead of his usual bad tempered, grumpy frowny faceAww 

This game interestingly features 3 as pictured bottom row Bull Bandit soldiers that have never been seen anywhere else and only appear in this game as far as I can tell. They're not in the comics or books, not in Creator Knights Kingdom, not in Lego Island 2 and they were never made into physical minifigs. Their names are as follows starting from the left: Julian Joust, Dreadful Dave, Paul Cullis. Interestingly Julian and Paul sport typical black eyes instead of the grey ones that are used on Cedric and his gang.

I apologize for these pictures not being the best quality. I took them directly on the TV screen while I was playing the game on my PS2(damn i've had that console since 2004)via camera phoneSweating a little...  
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2951x2266px 11.75 MB
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