Hayabusadarkhaven97 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/darkhaven97/art/Hayabusa-825859355darkhaven97

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Why are birds such a pain to draw? I like birds of prey so of course I ended up liking Shan Yu's falcon.
The bottom right one is based on a scrapped concept where Shan Yu was gonna have the spiritual ability of seeing through her eyes. Complete with them glowing scary yellow!
Yes I am going with Hayabusa is a female as I have previously mentioned nothing in the film pointed to it being a male( I don't care if Disney wiki says it's male), I don't think Disney ever confirmed it's gender and female falcons are bigger than males so it would make sense for Shan Yu to have a female one. Not to mention a family friend told me that it's easier to gain the trust of an animal that is of the opposite gender to yourself.
Please do not comment about how in the new Mulan, Hayabusa is now the witch and she can turn into a falcon. I do not care for the remake and I personally find this to be one of the stupidest ideas and changes they have done for the remake. What the heck is wrong with just keeping Hayabusa as an ordinary falcon that Shan Yu bonded with and trained like any normal person that does falconry and just give him the scrapped falcon vision idea? Instead of turning his falcon into a freaking human witch that can shift into a falcon! Ugghhhh! At least Maleficent's raven was still a normal raven and it was all her making him shapeshift.

Hayabusa belongs to Disney
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2010x1682px 556.99 KB
© 2020 - 2025 darkhaven97
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