Yugioh Duelist Ocs: MeiDarkGlacialKnight on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/darkglacialknight/art/Yugioh-Duelist-Ocs-Mei-1089165271DarkGlacialKnight

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Yugioh Duelist Ocs: Mei



Time to Open the book for todays! Saber! The usual suspects for what I took the design is here (jacket, one long strand of hair based on the horn of the helmet, the suit design on the....suit....note to self find a better way to say that) but also gave her a book because believe it or not this rider is known for its books...not irl books mind you but books none the less

Again Credit goes to TheifysSoul for the bio template

Full name: Mei

Nickname(s) or Alias: Unknown (Yeah idk if I wanna be too cute with this yet or not)

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Age: 24

Birthday: November 29th

Sexuality: Lesbian

Nationality: N/A

Religion: N/A

City or town of birth: Calor City

Currently lives: Calor City

Languages spoken: English

Native language: English

Relationship Status: Unknown

Occupation: Novelist, Bookstore Owner

Height: unknown due to me not usually thinking of this stuff outside of "Tiny" or "pretty tall"

Weight: unknown due to me not usually thinking of this stuff

Figure/build: Average

Hair colour: Black/Silver

Hairstyle: shoulder length

Facial Hairstyle: not sure what to call it  

Eye colour: Orange/Yellow

Skin colour: white  

Tattoos: N/A  
Piercings: N/A

Scars/distinguishing marks: N/A

Preferred style of clothing: see pic

Personality: A Easygoing if not eccentric girl who always tries to keep her promises, has a strong resolve and determination

Likes: Dueling, Books, keeping promises

Dislikes: Broken Promises, Missing a deadline with her books

Fears/phobias: Losing herself

Favourite colour: Red

Hobbies: Unknown

Talents/skills: Unknown

Favourite food(s): Not Picky

 Favourite drink(s): Not Picky

 Significant/special belongings: Unknown

Non Duelist School: Unknown

Duel School: (Original school that specializes with aqua duels)    

Dorm / Duel School: (haven't thought that far yet)

Duel Disk: Disk is based on the Swordriver, she actually pulls the sword from her disk, bend it back and attach it onto the disk to be the blade, where her deck goes where she pulled the sword from

Duel Runner: (Not a part of this series)

Duel Gazer / D-Pad: (HAven't made it past GX tbh)

VRAINS name: (Not sure what that is)

VRAINS Avatar: (Not sure what that is either)

Skill: (Still not sure)

D-Board: (As you can tell, I'm only really familiar with the anime up to GX)

Main Deck: Flame Swordsman

Tag Team Deck (Relatively the same)

Duel Links (no offense to those who do, but I don't like speed duels)  Duel Links Alternative (not sure what that even is)

Parents: not mentioned

Siblings? Not mentioned

Other Important Relatives: Unknown

Partner/Spouse: No one yet

Love Rivals: not really

Crack shippings: I don't really ship CannonXOc, more OcXOc

Children: not yet

Best Friend: Yoshino

Other Important Friends: Coming Soon/Depends if you guys want me to do other Saber Based Duelists

Acquaintances: Misora, Namie

Pets: Unknown

Enemies? N/A

Life Story 

(Can include arcs they are mainly associated with for a full description of life events)

Current Deck List(s)


"Infernoble Arms-Durendal"
Argostars-Capane the Flying Swallow
Argostars-Eteo the Dragon Slayer
Arms Regeneration
Battleguard Howling
Battleguard Rage
Blue Flame Swordsman
Centur-Ion True Awakening
Chaos Mirage Dragon
Courageous Crimson Chevalier Bradamite
Cross OVer
Fighting Flame Sword
Fighting Flame Swordsman
Fire Flint Lady
Fire Recovery
Flame Manipulator
Flame Metalmorph
Flame Swordsdance
Flame Swordsrealm
Foolish Burial
Fusion Armament
Fusion Reserve
Horn of Olifant
Immortal PHoenix Gearfried
Incoming Machine!
Infernoble Knight Oliver
Infernoble Knight-Renaud
Infernoble Knight Ricciardetto
Infernoble Knight-Roland
Instant Fusion
Masaki the Legendary Swordsman
Max Metalmorph
Metal Illusionist
Metal Flame Swordsman
Mirage Dragon
Mirage Knight
Mirage Swordsman
Mirror Force
Mirror Force Launcher
Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon
Omega Judgment
Phoenix Gearblade
Red-Eyes Fullmetal Dragon
Ready Fusion
Reinforcement of the Army
Rising Fire
Salamandra Fusion
Salamandra, the Flying Flame Dragon
Salamandra with Chain
Salamangreat Charge
Salamangreat Revive
Sangen Kaimen
Swords of Revealing Light
The Claw of Hermos
Therion "Bull" Ain
Tool Box
Battlin' Boxer King Dempsey
Blaze, Supreme Ruler of all Dragons
Crimson Blader
Dark Flare Knight
Duelittle Chimera
Ferocious Flame Swordsman
Fighting Flame Dragon
Flame Swordsman
Goddess Bow
Lavalval Exlord
Promethian Princess, Bestower of Flames
Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword
Rocket Hermos Cannon
Sangenpai Bident Dragion
Ultimate Flame Swordsman (Her Key Card)
Theme Song

unknown as to what this means

Hopefully you all like

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1378x1378px 163.95 KB
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