Comission: Waifu's Collection (Part2)DarkCrowStudios on DeviantArt

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Comission: Waifu's Collection (Part2)



Aaaaand the second part of the Waifu's Collection for my man :iconkinky-x-kemono: 💙! this time woth the lovely C.C!! from Code Geass, Jade from Dragon Quest XI, and my personal fave as you know shshhs the lovely Asuka!💙 i like a lot doing this even more his petition of CC and Jade since it's ma first time doing them shshhs so i put all my love on them nwn/!💙 i hooe ya like it!!

PS: Special mention to the amazing outfit that he choose for my waifu Asuka x3 i love do her with that one nwn

Variants Include: Dialog On/Off, Asuka with Glasses and Stirrups On/Off

Art by Me! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧!💙
Image size
4000x3200px 4.41 MB
© 2023 - 2025 DarkCrowStudios
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Marinetterella: Yes my nice stepmother Queen Elsa and my evil stepfather Master Splinter and my wicked and rotten stepbrothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and my kind stepsister Karai (I was wearing my bra and panties and my Cinderella's old ragged dress and white socks and black sketchers slip-ins sneakers and magical and indestructible foot long multicolored hair and vampire red eyes and vampire pale skin and I got up from my seat and I walked over towards them slowly so I don't scare or startle them and I stood right in front of them and I got down on my knees and I started and kept and finished worshipping her by licking and sucking on all of their bare feet and toes and their little piggy toes with my mouth and tongue until they're fully cleaned up and very wet with saliva)