Dark-Oak-Trails's avatar


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368 Watchers170 Deviations
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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (189)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Account closed. Tribute remains. Izz shall remain eternal.

Favourite Visual Artist
There are plenty, but Ralph Steadman always grabs me.
Favourite Movies
Many, some of the best: Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit, Stargate films, Shawshank Redemption, all the Star Wars (less so the PT to the OT), The Matrix, Star Trek films, Monty Python films, Shrek & Disney films like Mulan, Pocahontus and Atlantis
Favourite TV Shows
STARGATE SG1 and stargate franachise, Outcasts (screw you BBC for cancelling it) The Walking Dead, Friends, Scrubs, Glee (I know, I know. Feel free to judge me.), Absolutely Fabulous, Red Dwarf, Monty Python and Blackadder
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
WilFar too many; I wouldn't be able to name just a few! This is what happens to eclectic music tastes.
Favourite Books
Brave New World, Animal farm, nineteen eighty-four, Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit, Ithaka, The Handmaids Tales... There are lots more, but the list would kill us all.
Favourite Writers
George Orwell, J. R. R. Tolkien, Aldous Huxley, John Whyndham, Trudi Canavan, Carrie Ryan & Cassandra Clare.
Favourite Games
Pokemon, minecraft, killzone (only played the first one 'fraid), LOTRs games, Need For Speed, Mass Effect, GTA, Tomb Raider and so many more...
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC. You can update it with ease... Less limitations than a console ;)
Tools of the Trade
Macbook pro, wacom bamboo tablet, canon 500D, a comfy place to sit... Oh and my general existance!
Other Interests
Main ones would be reading, gaming, writing (novels/novellas but also RPs when I can) & horseback riding alongside my art. Lots more though. I will give anything a shot to be honest, and I will usually like it. You're looking at a bungee jumper here ;)

Account closed.

0 min read
Hey all, sorry I dropped off the map... Again... My laptop officially died (just won't charge!) a while ago and that meant I sorta forgot about deviantart as it wasn't on my browser. I feel really shitty about the timing being right in the middle of getting to know so many of you! I feel even shittier about this next part...I'm closing my deviantART account. Not in the 'delete all things' sort of way, but just no longer logging in to it.My photography account will remain open. That is :devDeepOakTrails: it isn't very active, but will be circa May when I get back from Israel. So if you need to desperately contact me that is the place to go!...
anonymous's avatar
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I recently realised that I used to speak to about 60%-70% of my active watchers and now it is more like 10%, if even that. I'm not heavily watched, but over 300 people (granted some may no longer be active!) isn't small enough for me to find the sociable ones!That's not on. I miss seeing :+fav: and going "Ooo! So and so liked that! Oh remember that conversation we had. I should make my next piece inspired by that!". That little bit of recognition was always nice. Some names I see often and recognise but they never comment on journals/art so I don't really know them. So whether you have commented on stuff before or never typed a latter to m...
anonymous's avatar
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My premium membership has run out it seems. Bye bye premi!It is approaching 2 months since my little boy passed away and since I last logged in. Thank you all for your sympathetic comments, sorry I haven't replied, but I read them all and they were appreciated. I sorta banned myself from the internet that month as I was grieving all over the place as I had no one IRL to grieve to. I'm coming to terms with his loss, but I still keep going to hold the door open for him to follow me, or expecting to see him appear around the corner, so I guess it hasn't fully hit home.I got my A-level results back shortly after Izz passed and got straigh A's....
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ethereal-foxx's avatar
Happy happy birthday!!! 
Nexu4's avatar
Happy Birthday :iconmedicakesliceplz: fav.me/d6rggoj Have a great day and enjoy it :iconcupcakelaplz: 
moonlightbird's avatar
snowmarite's avatar
Happy Birthday! :hug:
Wish you all the best! :iconcelebration1plz::iconcelebration2plz:
LuciMochi's avatar
:iconcarameldansenplz: PartyHappy Birthday Party :iconcarameldansenplz:
closingtimex's avatar
Thank you for the favorite!  :squee:
MysteriousMaemi's avatar
thanks for the :+fav: on my bizenghast cosplay - please feel free to explore my gallery and to watch my work - if you haven't done yet ;)