Really what happened a month ago, I learned to appreciate many things that did not pay attention, I decided to put these proverbs taught me a lot during this time... ^_^
Who rides a tiger is at risk of not being able to download ever.
If you do not enter the tiger's den, you can not get their puppies.
With the first cup, the man drinks wine, with the second wine drink wine, and the third, the wine drinks the man.
Where there are earnings losses lurk nearby.
Time spent laughing is a time spent with the gods.
There is a door you can get good or bad fortune, but you have the key.
The snow does not break the branches of willow.
Darkness reigns at the foot of the lighthouse.
Think much, speak little, write less.
You learn a little with the victory, however, much to the defeat.
If you believe everything you read, better not read.
Activity only want to live a hundred years.