Well met, welcome to my homepage, salutation strangers and my comrades.
My name`s Arthur Wolfenheart, I`m a Werewolf, also a Knight, The Crimson Knight, the knight who balance both Strength and Magic.
My main ability "Magus Arma" or by all means... "Magic Weapon", it allows me to manipulate any elemental magic into any weapon / armor at my will.
The main point of this page's to post the drawing or kind of story I make with the title of [ Lost History ], featuring my main Character Arthur Wolfenheart and his companions who come together on his journey to find the lost magical pages of history on the world he live on.
May also drawing other other stuff like my Fanarts and some comics.
Alas, I thank you for your attention, feel free to look around of my page. [ T ]7
Your Old Knight, Arthur.