Danitheangeldevil's avatar


Angel devil, no angel demon!
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The best art of 2016

The best art of 2016

The best art of 2018

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
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Pot of Gold: Participated in the St. Patrick's Day 2022 Campaign
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (4)
Gold Bar: Someone thinks you’re golden! (1)
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
Trick-or-Treat: Someone thought you deserved a treat! (1)
My Bio

My name is Daniela Bullová. I had many nicknames. But call me Dani. I am from Slovakia. I live in Malá Bytča(village) behind the town Bytča in The Žilina Region.

I had studied 5 years in Elementary Art School, 4 years Fashion design on High School and 4 years I finish Art course.

Like a little child I was creative with story in my fantasy world. I started draw comics strip in 17 age.

My previous deviant username was Daniera now I called myself Danitheangeldevil.

One think I am really shy person. My facebook page, my skype username dani.bul .

Tumblr, ask.fm

 *My  Slovak manga Artist *


Commission they're always open.

Po kofole som vždy s kofolovaná.

Personal Quote:Choď za tým čo ťa baví, nechoď za tým čo sa ti nepáči hľadaj to vo svojom vnútri srdca a nedívaj sa na ostatných čo majú, lebo ty máš niečo čo oni nie.

Current Residence: Slovakia, Malá Bytča

Favourite style of art: Disney style, comics & anime/manga style

MP3 player of choice: my mobile phone

Favourite cartoon character: ehm... sexy evil guys or good guys X3333333

Personal Quote: Nazdar!

Another quote: Like fashion designer I always failed in drawing of fashion design but like artist of comics and Fanarts I never failed.

Kofi Bg Tag White

Favourite Movies
The Last Unicorn, all Walt Disney Movies, Als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel, Puss'n Boots(anime),
Favourite TV Shows
some Crime series, Digimon series, The Legend of the Treasure Island, Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers, Ducktales, Talespin, Gummybears
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Horkýže slíže, Avril Lavigne, Utada Hikaru, Koda Kumi, Pink, Eminem, Wada Kouji, Ayumi Hamasaki, Pavol Habera, All soundtracks from Digimon series or anime and movies
Favourite Books
Bartimaeus Trilogy, Artemis Fowl, LOTR trilogy, Eragon series, CS:Comics and Manga Books, Manga and comics series
Favourite Games
Baldur's Gate series, HOMAM all series, Jade Empire, Princess Maker 2, Syberia 1 and 2, Black Mirror (Posel Smrti) Trilogy, Sam and Max
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
pencil, pastel, watercolors, tablet, Photoshop, Coreldraw X3, CorelPhotoPait

Floral Breeze

Kawaii tenshi-akuma 2020
Funky hi there

Your favourite Slovak Artist who draw everything!:)

Read the Rules!

Read the Rules

Donation Pool

Support me for more arts!

Because I don't have other media, where you can support me. So here you can donate me the points to support me with my arts or you can donate on my ko-fi site.


50/4000 points

Llama Farm

Post Spotlight

Which parts of LovexHate Talespin fancomic do you like?

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My motivation for this year is to find a job. You probably want to ask why I'm thinking about it? I have my reasons. I've been in the job I've been doing for slowly 6 years and it's not doing my psyche any good. I go in there crying and disgusted. After being left to fend for myself for the past month. They did give me a person, but she's got a crap job, so I'm doing everything myself again. If a CEO tells you he respects you, he's rubbishing stupidity. He doesn't care how an employee feels at work, so don't be surprised that I don't give a shit what he says to me when he grinds his wheels and ignores what I tell him. I wish had normal job, where boss/CEO care about his employee, but in RL it doesn't work.  In Slovakia there isn't much job offers, when look right now after New Years. They look only to manufacturing and nowhere else. Maybe only as a saleswoman or cleaner, but I've been in manufacturing for years and I'm tired of it.  If I wish something what I long wish is job as
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For so long I was thinking start do Request/Artrade. Due some RL and projects I need little break and do what I haven't did long. If you are interest just write here, which one will you like. Edit 26.8. 2024: Request is closed for now! I'll start work on them soon as possible.
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I put some art on my ko-fi page if you are interest to look.
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and on  https://ko-fi.com/danitheangeldevil

Profile Comments 6.8K

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SueMArt's avatar

Many thanks for faving.:heart:

Danitheangeldevil's avatar
petyo73's avatar

Thank you so much for the fave :hug:

Danitheangeldevil's avatar
SueMArt's avatar

Many thanks for faving. :heart:

Danitheangeldevil's avatar
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