Favourite Visual Artist
Comics, Illustration, Animation...
Favourite Movies
Clash of Titans (The original one), Starwars, LOTR, almost whatever with sci fi in it), some dramas, some comedys...
Favourite TV Shows
FRIENDS, LOST, sense8, Daredevil, Young Justice, and many more...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
I am more a "Particulart Songs man".
Favourite Books
Cant have favorites all are awesome!
Favourite Writers
Stephen King, Anne Rice, Dan Brown, Carlos Sisi, J.R.R. Tolkine, George R. Martin...
Favourite Games
¿Games or VideoGames? anytime I got time, board games are awesome, Videogames are incredible.
Favourite Gaming Platform
ahm... have to say laptop, still no playstation or xboxes in my life... for now
Tools of the Trade
Mechanic pencils, regular pencils, brushes pentel, wacm intous pro, photoshop...
Other Interests
Whatever inspires me.