ChespinDanielBeltranS2 on DeviantArt

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Character  Chespin (Pokemon)


Third drawing of the initial courses of Pokemon Art Academy :D (Big Grin) .

I have found that the starter Pokemon of the sixth generation are very beautiful Love , and it was a pleasure to draw them. If you ask me which of the 3 is my favorite, that would be Fennekin, whose drawing is soon to be released, so wait for it Wink/Razz .

About this Pokemon, I think it's the grass-type starter Pokemon that I love the most in terms of design (with the sincerest apologies I can offer to Bulbasaur), and it's very likely to be one of those Pokemon that I'll make in Blender :D (Big Grin) .

Moving on to other topics, last night I started another 3D project after I finished modeling another one (those who have seen the WIP I posted on my Twitter will know that it is Chopper from Star Wars). I won't continue working on Chopper until the spinner tells me otherwise (or until Star Wars month approaches, whichever comes first =P (Razz) ), but in the meantime I'll start a new one I am a dummy! .

At once I'll let you know that, apparently, I have Pokemon fever because the next project I'm working on is another of these creatures La la la la . I can't assure you that it will be this month's render (it will depend on how far you go with it to decide if it's better to finish it or leave it in the queue =P (Razz) ), but I promise you that there will be a render this month (a new 3D pixel art :D (Big Grin) ).

Well, that's all for now :D (Big Grin) .

Thank you very much for viewing this illustration, and see you in the next post Meow :3 .

I hope you are very well, and I wish you a happy and excellent day every day :D (Big Grin) . A hug, and have a nice time Huggle! . Hasta la Bye-Bye. Hi! 
Image size
1024x768px 153.87 KB
Nintendo 3DS
Date Taken
Feb 8, 2022, 5:51:56 PM
© 2022 - 2025 DanielBeltranS2
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