daniel10230's avatar


787 Watchers
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (22)
Mystery Egg: You submitted your 1st deviation, amazing! But what's this...? Something has magically appeared.
Baby Blob: Achievement unlocked! Your 2nd deviation made the Mystery Egg hatch.
Bouncing Blob: Your 5th deviation's making it jump for joy!
Disco Blob: Groovy, baby! Your 10th deviation unlocked the funk.
So, I'm primarily an author. The artwork I've been creating is my attempt to learn because I can use it for marketing and book covers. Going forward I intend to post the links to my monthly newsletters. I include several promos every month from other thriller authors. But if you've noticed, some of my images dabble into urban fantasy. That's because I've got a few ideas for novels that I'm planning. Check out my book page at books.danielpelfrey.com or my facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/danielpelfreyauthor/
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I'm going to be adding some of the artwork I've created for sale. At the moment, I've put up some Historical Fiction artwork. Over the next few weeks, I'll add more as well as some Urban Fantasy. It can be used as you see fit. Some items will be available for multiple purchasers and most will be one off sales. I won't be taking commissions, but will consider making changes to existing artwork for an additional fee. (These types of changes would include such things as changing the model's hair color or race.)
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My March newsletter went out today. Here’s the link https://preview.mailerlite.io/preview/696057/emails/113384824717182786
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Profile Comments 3

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SKXuniverse's avatar

Thank you dear Watcher. Here is you one of a kind and every Fan Boy's favorite, "Super Hero Woman"!


(Styles and quality may very.)

ce5156's avatar

Thanks for watching!

In the crosshairs
InfinityForever's avatar
Thank you so very much for the visit. :bow: ^^;

Also, welcome to DeviantArt, although I see you have been a member for 7 months now. I'm surprised no one welcomed you sooner. I do hope you enjoy it here. :nod: