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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
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Birthday20: Participated in DA 20th Birthday campaign
ArtFortunes: Participated in April Fools' Day 2021
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (2)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (2)
My Bio

xanthe - she/they - 24 - british

(I'm either not-xpr-art or dangerliesbeforeyou most places btw!!)

I'm mainly a digital artist who draws portraits (various fandoms, including kpop, tv shows, films, etc), although i occasionally dabble in traditional stuff!

everything i draw is 100% freehand drawn (i don't trace or use grids)...

I mainly uses firealpaca for digital art, currently with an xp pen artist 16 pro tablet (I have nearly 9 years of digital art experience!)

hope u like my art!

Favourite Visual Artist
JMW Turner (babe), Artemisia Gentileschi & Caravaggio (anything baroque is *chefs kiss*), there's too many to list lol...
Favourite Movies
Back to the future/Labyrinth/Stardust/various queer films/various other films/just films in general lol...
Favourite TV Shows
Doctor Who, Merlin, Supernatural (i'm so sorry), Comedy shows (miranda/it crowd/brooklyn 99/friends/parks & recs/etc), Sense 8, various thai dramas, + random shiz idk lol...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
EXO, BTS, SNSD, Red Velvet, ETC ALL THE KPOP, adele, fka twigs, banks, muse, melanie martinez, fall out boy, p!atd, london grammar, il volo, MUSIC mAN!, ALL ThE MUSICc!
Favourite Books
Pride & Prejudice, idk man i mainly read fanfiction,
Favourite Games
Nancy Drew & Life is Strange 1 & 2 (it's the only games i've rly played...) ... oh and The Sims obv
Favourite Gaming Platform
pc, aint got time for no fancy xboxstationwii remotecontroller things
Tools of the Trade
mostly fire alpaca (aka the best free software out there tbqh) with an xp pen artist 16 pro tablet (it's a mouthful lol...)...., also sometimes trad art (various mediums)


0 min read
thought i'd grace this site with an update (haven't uploaded anything since like november last year after all the ai debacle...), esp since ive been doing yearly updates on here since 2016 lol now... i'm not sure if i want to return to this site just yet, so if anyone wants to keep up with my art please follow me on my other socials (i'm either dangerliesbeforeyou or not-xpr-art/not_xpr_art)! some things for this year is that i'm doing doctor who artworks every month to celebrate the show's 60th anniversary! i've also been involved in a superrr cool project called the Villaneve Flipbook (check it out here: https://youtu.be/FMu05lijgLQ don't worry it's not a rick roll lol!) it has made me really want to do more collaborative stuff so hopefully i'll get the opportunities! anyway uhhhh i'll see you soon ? maybe ? or never again idk... give me incentives to come back here lol
anonymous's avatar
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ok so... deviantart's latest ai thing has made me legit kinda angry... so uh... feel free to follow me on my other socials in case i decide deviantart is no longer worth my time, even though i've been here for over 10 yrs lol... (i'm either not-xpr-art/not_xpr_art or dangerliesbeforeyou on socials btw!)
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legit really sad that so much of deviant art is currently taken up with ai 'art'... ☹️
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Profile Comments 137

anonymous's avatar
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Thank you for the favorite, it is much appreciated.

LadySereine's avatar

Hey there, thank you so much for dropping by my profile and favouriting my work! It means so much to me knowing other artists support the art I produce.

I LOVE the artwork you've created, by the way, including your most recent one. Keep up the amazing job :D<3

bellethekoifish's avatar

Thank you some much for the watch, I appreciate it.

Yadolin's avatar
HI! another Mulan fan as well!
My new drawing make me meet a lot people who interesting with Mulan. Thanks for add my drawing.
dangerliesbeforeyou's avatar
Hey!! I really loved your depiction of her tbh!! :D (Big Grin) 
Yadolin's avatar
Thank you :D I hope I can draw more vision about her.
Big-Pasach's avatar
Thank you so much for your support :)