(OC) haru refdangan0fan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dangan0fan/art/OC-haru-ref-1001811853dangan0fan

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(OC) haru ref



I need to make more references for my ocs
anyways this is haru :3 she was like one of my first ocs, she looks pretty much the same as when I first drew her :] she has a little stuff animal kitty :3 he was originally just black, but thats boring so I changed it ^^ I really like her design :> she's probably my most drawn oc, I've drawn her like 20 times lol
she was ovs based of Halloween, my fav holiday ^_^
i draw her every Halloween!! (this year, the drawing looked like shit so I didn't post it) also I have no idea how to draw characters in side view so don't mind how bad that looks xD why did I write so much omg
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1280x1280px 817.71 KB
© 2023 - 2025 dangan0fan
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molly-egg's avatar

Omg she's so cute?!?!!! I rlly love her outfit!

Her green hair fits well with it too, along with her whole color palette it's so pleasing =D

Oh and Mr. Midnight is cute too! I like the mix of different colors other than black, makes it look less bland :o

I'll add this to my drawing list along with Hart again and the others ^^