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29 Watchers68 Deviations

He's Running Away From Me by DancingSpark, literature

Runaway Meadow by DancingSpark, literature

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He's Running Away From Me by DancingSpark, literature

Runaway Meadow by DancingSpark, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • United States
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (58)
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
My Bio

Hey there! My name is Sparky. Here's a little about me. :D (Big Grin)

I am a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series (especially FFVII and Cloud!) and Tales of the Abyss, but I don't publish much artwork for either since I'm stil not satisfied with how the characters turn out. When my skills improve, there will be more fan art!

I am a big horse finatic in case the picture above didn't tell you that already. xD I create much more horse artwork than anything else, so don't be surprised if that shows up quite a bit!

I prefer using traditional mediums, but it's easier for me to post art made on Photoshop, so there is more Photoshop than traditional in my galleries. I'll hopefully find the time to scan in my traditional art pieces in the future!

Favourite Visual Artist
Too many to name!
Favourite Movies
Secretariat, Transformers, How To Train Your Dragon, Flipper, Black Beauty
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Relient K, Iron & Wine, Thomas Newman, John Williams, Lifehouse, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay
Favourite Books
Inheritance Cycle, The Sight, The Tao of Equus, The Red Badge of Courage
Favourite Writers
Horky (Fanfiction.net), Palo112 (Fanfiction.net), and JaydeeGrey (Fanfiction.net)
Favourite Games
Dissidia 012 [duodecim], FFVII CRISIS CORE, FFXII, Ecco the Dolphin, Tales of the Abyss
Favourite Gaming Platform
Wii, PS2, PSP
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, paper, brush, paint, iPod, helmet, boots, chaps, etc.
Other Interests
horseback riding, drawing, reading, photography, music
Recently, my best friend managed to get me to sit down with her and spend an entire Friday evening watching the first 10 episodes of Shingeki no Kyojin, also known as Attack on Titan. The animation is incredible. The music is awesome. And the Titans are the most hilarious things I've ever seen.   Not good enough? Here's more.           Once they had sufficiently scared viewers with the scary Titans, they threw those at us. And to make us lose our fear even more.....   They added this lovely fellow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7beCbDzIDtA
anonymous's avatar
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YOU GUYS, YOU NEED TO SEE THIS, IT'S AMAZING. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57quPqN1i0w&feature=share FFVII: THE MOVIE It's fanmade, but they've got some of the best talent out there! Check it out and support them!
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Anyone here a jazz fan? Or, better yet, a band person? If so, I'd appreciate if someone could explain to me how Blues and Dorian scales work. I recently decided to audition for jazz band my senior year and those scales in certain keys are required. If it helps at all, I play trumpet. ._.I also noticed that this is where Dorian General Grants from Tales of the Abyss gets the first part of his title. I always wondered about that! I've always known that ToA was very music oriented, but I never understood his name until now. XD
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Profile Comments 301

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AuldBlue's avatar
Thanks for faving! <3
LoloSanGoku2's avatar
thank you for your fav! =D o/
Red-Promisera's avatar
Thankyou for the add :) xx
Hikarikun18's avatar
Favof my Cloud cosplay!
ElenaDeNard's avatar
thank you for the fave!!!:excited: 
YumesNotes's avatar
Thanks for the favorite!! :D
Ro-Arts's avatar
Thanks for add my drawing in your collection :happybounce: